Insights on Animal Production

Why talk about animal production?

Animal production continues to meet the challenge of making animal proteins accessible to 9 billion people by 2050.  One of the solutions is to dramatically improve the productivity of modern livestock systems. Economically efficient livestock farming must also adapt to new requirements that often seem to be in total contradiction with the dominant economic model: respecting the environment, promoting animal welfare and ensuring consumer health. Thus, the animal production sector must once again evolve, innovate and adapt.

This site deals with four main topics: sustainable production, taste-pleasure-odour, stress from the animal’s side, tomorrow, what’s next/what’s for the future

Our role in all this?

The societal demands facing animal production are focused on the animal: Well-being, reasoned use of medicinal treatments, safety of the food chain…

Let’s put aside our laboratory fonction and focus on the keys to ensure that animal production combines performance and societal demands.

How do we do this?

By strengthening the animal to facilitate its adaptation to a rational and optimised production system, it becomes more adaptable, better resists stress while performing better. Less exposed to sanitary risks, its better health is a guarantee of safety and quality for the consumer. A stronger animal leads to better environmental performance and fewer discharges into the environment. Let’s invest in the animal’s natural resources, it will do the rest.

Like you, we are interested in the problems of those involved in “animal production”.

We meet here and share the conviction that we can adapt breeding systems to today’s challenge: to feed our rapidly growing planet. Efficiency and welfare standards, performance and respect for the environment, modern breeding and stress control, lower costs and societal demands… We can harmoniously reconcile these paradoxes with you. The animal and this blog will help us to do so.

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